
What Is Diabetes

If you want to know what is diabetes first you should know what is insulin as there can be two causes of diabetes the first one is low level of insulin and second one is our body resistance to insulin action.Insulin is a hormone produced by especial cells of pancreas which controls the level of sugar in the blood.According to World Health Organization there are three main forms of diabetes that are type 1,type 2 and gestational diabetes which occurs during pregnancy.
May be you have heard that eating sugar causes diabetes but it is a myth.Eating sugar causes obesity and it is one of the causes of type2 diabetes.In type 1 diabetes insulin producing cells are destroyed this can happen due to some viral and bacterial infections and exposure to some food born toxins.Early exposure of an infant to the milk of cow can also a cause of type 1 diabetes.
The cause of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance this is a condition in which insulin receptors in a persons body does not respond to the action of insulin.To compensate this condition more insulin is produced and as a result insulin manufacturing cells are exhausted and lesser insulin is secreted which means high level glucose in the blood.
There are some conditions which increase the risk of type 2 diabetes they are increasing age,inactive life and obesity.
There are some rare causes of diabetes like some medicines can also cause diabetes and some other endocrine conditions which are having effect on insulin secretion.


