
What is type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is found in children and in youngsters.The old name of type1 diabetes is juvenile diabetes.In type 1 diabetes our body is not able to produce an important hormone known as insulin.

what is insulin?
Insulin is a hormone which is needed by our body to convert glucose and starches in the energy needed by our body.

What are the conditions associated with type 1 diabetes?
The conditions associated by the type 1 diabetes are as follows:
hyperglycemia,hypoglycemia,ketoacidosis and celiac disease.

What are the complications of the type 1 diabetes?
The complications of type 1 diabetes are heart diseases,blindness also called as retinopathy,nerve damage also called as neuropathy and kidney damage also known as nephropathy.

What are main type of diabetes?
Type 1 diabetes,type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes.

