
Diabetes-What food you should eat with diabetes

What i can eat if i am suffering from diabetes?If you suffering from diabetes you have to make some changes in your daily diet.Your diet should contain a lot of green vegetables and fruits as these two things contain lot of fibre,vitamins and minerals.Fruits and vegetables also help you in loosing weight as some people who are suffering type 2 diabetes mellitus need to lose weight.
Drink skimmed milk as it is the source of calcium,vitamins and carbohydrates.Your diet should also contain meat and meat substitutes like chicken,fish,lamb,turkey,eggs and cheese.
Change your cooking method avoid frying your food.Try some new methods of cooking like roasting,steaming,boiling and microwave.
Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for example beer as these drinks are having lot of calories and no nutrients.
It is better to eat small frequent meals in the place of three big meals.

